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Designed for the Hornby (previously Airfix/Dapol) RTR model, our much- requested kit enables you to build a finescale nickel silver chassis for this popular GWR engine. It includes dummy inside motion, full brakegear and lost wax detail castings for the axleboxes and sandboxes.


The model is powered by a bespoke ‘floating’ gearbox (available in 30, 40:1 or 54:1 ratios) with built-in compensation keeping all the wheels firmly on the track and ensuring good electrical pick-up. As with all our kits, the model can be built in P4, EM or OO without modification.

GWR 14xx

    • 1015FE; 1020FE (1mm)
    • 1219C; 1320C (1.5mm)
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