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  • High ratio box
  • Ideal for shunters
  • Width over gearbox sides 10mm
  • Motor centreline to axle 18.6mm



  • This gearbox offers superb slow running qualities with minimal complication.


    In spite of the rigid format the straight LoadHauler will fit under the bonnet of many deisel shunters, into small sidetanks and even some industrials. If you need the same gearing options in a shorter box, consider the HumpShunter.


    The final drive gear is just 10mm diamater, so 4mm scale wheels as small as 2'9'' can be used. At the extreme end of the available ratios, 120:1 will crawl along at a snail's pace, whilst 68:1 is quite feasable for a slow goods on the main line.

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